Superhot pc game controls
Superhot pc game controls

superhot pc game controls

Other situations might require you to jump right in the middle of enemies and pray to Neo as you tiptoe around each bullet on the way to the nearest throwable object, unless you can use the Hotswitch ability to steal the body of an enemy controlling a comfortable vantage point.įor the most part, the procedural generation does a good job of carrying Superhot: Mind Control Delete over the 10+ hours it takes to beat its campaign and fiddle a bit with its infinite modes. One level might put you in a position where you can easily dispatch a foe, pick up their weapon to kill another, then run to a walled-off portion that lets you comfortably manipulate the remaining enemies into simple weapon dispensers that come at you one at a time. This gives Superhot: Mind Control Delete an improvisational focus that requires players to adapt to all its random elements. Similarly, picking Hotswitch is the only way to get the hack that improves it by letting you keep weapons after jumping into a new body. Picking Charge is the only way to have a chance at getting hacks that make punches more lethal and let you chain multiple charge attacks. Certain hacks only appear if you choose their associated core power at the start of a run. You also can’t rely on the dude with the katana to always pop out from the same door and at a set point. While, from what we can tell, their layouts remain identical, the starting positions of both players and AI opponents get shuffled every time. While the structure of each area in the overworld is set in stone, each combat node loads a different sequence of levels you must get through every time you die or start anew.

superhot pc game controls

Superhot: Mind Control Delete makes use of procedural generation on multiple layers. You also quickly learn how many bullets each gun can hold or how many hits a weapon can take before you need to look for different ways of dealing damage and intuitively plan your way through levels around these needs. Throwing empty weapons towards foes to have them drop their loaded guns, only for you to grab them in mid-air and put them to good use against another opponents that sneaks up from behind is just one of a myriad of possibilities. The more you play, the more you turn certain behaviors into habits. You can’t rely on the “right” hacks appearing when you need them and, while this pushes you towards relying on deflecting or ricocheting bullets to survive, it can also bring a swift end to your runs, in true rogue-lite fashion. Others, ensure you can’t take damage from up close or start each level with a weapon in your hands, rather than just your slightly less lethal fists. They offer bonuses like greatly reducing the delay between shots with ranged weapons, instantly reloading them when you score a kill or making bullets ricochet towards enemies when they hit a wall. SuperHacksĪt specific points in between a run’s levels, you’ll be given a choice between two random hacks that help further define your build. The remaining two give you the option of swapping bodies with enemies or charging them from afar, guaranteeing an instant kill and unhindered movement through bullets that might otherwise hurt you. One lets you begin runs with three lives instead of just two, while another makes it possible to call your thrown katana back to your hand, as if by using the Force. Superhot: Mind Control Delete features four core powers, one of which can be chosen at the start of each run and ends up defining your playstyle to a certain degree. The abilities you unlock are split into two types: core powers and hacks. Resembling a retro PC interface, its strings of white lines create paths connecting different types of nodes that house new runs, abilities, more dangerous opponents, endless modes, and cryptic chunks of text that build the narrative. Completing these intense encounters wins you a moment of respite in the game’s overworld. Each level unceremoniously drops you into immaculate white levels where you must shoot, punch, slash or puncture enough red, glassy opponents while making sure you stick to at least one of your lives. That’s the core rule upon which the standalone expansion to 2016’s first-person shooter sprinkles rogue-lite elements. In Superhot: Mind Control Delete, time moves only when you move.

Superhot pc game controls